Lost Your Voice?
Lost your voice?
For 2013 most marketers will have more of a focus on using Inbound Marketing for their B2B lead generation than ever before. We’re hearing more and more about the ‘sea of social media’, and it’s easy to get swept away by the hundreds of infographics and polls telling us that Inbound is in and Outbound is, well…out.. And many businesses believe it’s better to attract prospects via compelling content rather than bombarding them with traditional advertising or marketing that they haven’t requested.
You’ve set up your Facebook page and you’re getting lots of likes, you’re managing to increase your number of Linkedin page followers every month and this week you even started your own ‘hangout’ on Google+.
So now what? Maybe you’ve already started creating some really great content you can’t wait to share, better still you’ve already had a bunch of your latest whitepapers downloaded.
What next? You’re going to continue to nurture the leads of course. Maybe a reminder email next month? Perhaps send an invite to your next webinar? And then eventually those ‘slowly cooked’ hot prospects will come running after you with a live requirement.
….Or that’s the plan anyway….
So the people who don’t? Even if you’re regularly sharing your latest blog via Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin, there’ll be plenty of people in your market that it doesn’t reach. How can you be sure that you’re on their radar when they’re ready to buy?
Yes Inbound Marketing is definitely important but it’s also really important that you’re recognising that point in the nurture process when you need to actually get a real person involved. We hear from so many businesses who have been nurtured by brands to the point of being marketing or sales ready but no one has actually called them to have a conversation in person to take action and actually achieve that all important conversion.
The answer? Keep your human voice. When you’re spending time writing the perfect blog, or getting creative with a new infographic, it’s all too easy to forget to pick up the phone and actually speak with the people you want to buy from you. You can’t get more personal than making a well timed telephone call, however clever you are with your personalisation of your email content. And you want to make sure that you’re making that well timed call and not one of your competitors. So yes, make sure you’re keeping up to date with strategies that are relevant to your business and will help move it forward but don’t lose your voice.
Making sure you’ve included targeted B2B telemarketing or telesales in your lead nurturing strategy will help ensure you’re heard above the noise of everyone else who are just as busy blogging and tweeting as you are.
Tags: B2B Telemarketing, Blogs, Lead Nurturing, Telemarketing